Thursday, April 24, 2014

First Post...this should be interesting :)

This is my second attempt at entering the blog world. This time I am coming at it from a whole different perspective. My original attempt was to use the blog as a way to find way to healthy living. I attempted this at a time when I wasn't ready to be on a journey to healthy living and it had to get worse in order to get better. I have finally learned to lessen my expectations for myself and realize after so many years of unhealthy living...healthy living won't happen overnight. It's a process that I am going through and while I will stumble and fall and get back up then stumble and fall again and have to get back up long as I keep moving forward then I will continue to work towards living a healthy life.
The name of the blog comes from a great quote that I read recently that really connected life to running and my world is mostly centered around those two things. Trying to enjoy life while on the recovery road while running! In order to keep moving forward...I have to keep embracing the hills in both!!
Without spending too much time on "my story"...not ready to go there yet. I am just going to dive right in with this here first feels weird to just start out without any background information but that's my plan...just dive in.

Today was a typical day in my world!

Wake up at 3:45 (I don't sleep so well)
Lay in bed until 5:15
Get ready for work
Eat oatmeal with almond butter (my fave meal of the day!)
Drive to work
Sit at desk...find my sanity in my happy place (yes, work is my happy place)...drink coffee (this brings the sanity)
Co-workers begin and catch up
Students begin arriving
6 hours with 6 year olds=6 hours of the most chaotic fun I have all day :)
GOTR practice: standing up to peer pressure...not as easy as it sounds but hoping we sent them away with something to think about the next time they are faced with peer pressure!
Came home...4 mi run in 60* weather...perfect blue skies and close to dusk=my other happy place
Chicken sausage cooked in veggies on the grill=delish!
Finished up some work
Started this blog
Thinking tomorrow will look pretty much the same
Except it's FRIDAY! Which means out to eat and relaxing with the hubs and an after daycare Lib! Peace on Earth!

Goal for tomorrow: Take some pics to include in posts! Hey...I'm new at this :)!

Happy Thursday!